Designed with the leader in mind

Consulting driven by Experience

You're one decision away from taking your business to the next level.

experts by experience

Our Mission

Empower entrepreneurs and global leaders with strategic excellence, fostering clarity and advancing visionary goals.

Expertise built on experience

Our team comprises authentic expert operators—accomplished business leaders with a proven track record of successfully building businesses. What sets us apart is the practical nature of our knowledge; it's not only derived from textbooks but lived experiences. We intimately grasp your business challenges through our first hand understanding, offering insights grounded in real-world scenarios.
Our core values
Trust is the cornerstone of our business.

We believe:
  • Leadership is vital and the potential for us to embody leadership qualities is undeniable.
  • Entrepreneurs are heroes who should be respected and celebrated for taking risks.
  • Capitalism is a critically important economic system that has advanced society and improved the quality of life of those who practice it.


Ever since his family fled Iran during the Iranian Revolution, Patrick Bet-David has embraced capitalism and entrepreneurship to create a better life for himself and his family.

As an entrepreneur himself, Patrick is aware of the challenges business owners face on a daily basis. Rather than run from these challenges, he encourages entrepreneurs to embrace them and, most importantly, learn from them.
“Any entrepreneur who wants to stay sane needs to let go of the silly notion that challenges are scary. Challenges never stop coming, so you’d better learn to love them and thrive on them. Every struggle is an opportunity to grow and improve.”
- Patrick Bet-David
Portfolio of Patrick Bet-David companies
Industry leaders trust Patrick Bet-David
“I believe in and follow Patrick Bet-David. He has the drive and the fire to make a difference.
Steve Wozniak, Apple Co-Founder
“As a veteran himself, Patrick has a teaching style and a story that are now inspiring other veterans...”
Robert Kiyosaki, author "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"
“Patrick is one of the most driven, goal-oriented individuals that i have ever met. What he has done has inspired so many, including myself. I am not only a friend, I am a fan.”
Kevin Hart, Actor, Comedian
“Patrick is one of the most exciting thinkers i've had the chance to converse with”
Ray Dalio, Author
Bet-David Consulting
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